The idea of FG is to provide our clients with a consultancy that is suitable for all their needs, thanks to the considerable experience we have built up over the years, our skills, and the continuing professional development of our experts.
In a world that is moving ever faster, where change is the order of the day, and where we constantly need to adapt to new technology, clients need professionals by their side who are ready to guide and advise them and who can stand out from the crowd and adapt to a reality that waits for no one.
We are professionals, but above all we are citizens of the world looking for innovation, who embrace and support the diversity that surrounds us,
with the right talent and skills, which set us apart from the rest.
Our objective is to get to the heart of the problem immediately and directly, assisting the client at every stage until the solution is found, wherever it may be.
The FG philosophy inspired us to create a project that originates from the profound change that we have all been part of since the beginning of 2020, and we called it #GoOnLab. . The idea came from an ever closer involvement with two sectors that are in a continuous state to change: property law and the legal aspects of the fashion industry. We felt the necessity to provide clients with protection, whatever their needs might be, which is adapted to the new situation we are facing.

Passion, optimism, creativity.
Anna Maria Fiasconaro
She deals with:
International law
Real Estate
Fashion law
+39 091 7841456
Via Siracusa,7 – Palermo
Lawyer registered with the Bar of Palermo since 1998.
- She advises Italian and foreign clients - in court and out of court - in matters of private and procedural international law and in the field of international contracts.
- In the field of Real Estate, she gives advice about the types of contract normally involved in real estate investments, offering services in all the important phases of real estate transactions, from due diligence to the drafting and negotiation of contract documents.
- In the field of trust, she provides a personalised service in the planning and management of national and international trusts.
- She advises about preferential tax schemes for people moving to Italy, in close cooperation with the Firm’s Tax Team.
- She provides assistance in the fields of fashion, furniture, and luxury and consumer goods.
Speaks Italian, English and German
Anna Maria graduated in Law at the University of Palermo in 1995 and then worked with a law firm specializing in international law from 1995 to 2006, thus acquiring extensive experience in the field.
She has work experience in the United States, Europe and Asia. She attended the 4th Summer Academy of European Business Law, Annual Residential Seminars for Lawyers and Legal Experts, organized by the Madariaga Research Foundation for the College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium).
In 2004 she obtained the title of Scholar in the subject of "Private Law Institutions" at the University of Palermo, Faculty of Economics, and in 2007 in "Public Law and Private International Law" at the LUMSA University of Rome, Palermo campus, Faculty of Law.
Anna Maria is on the listed of lawyers at the British and American Embassies and the German Consulate in Naples.
She has been a member of the AEA-EAL European Association of Lawyers, of which she was also a member of the Board of Directors, and of the Association for Cultural Exchange between Italian and German Jurists.
She is the author of several publications in international law and has held seminars on "Public Law and Private International Law" and "Law of the Mediterranean Countries" at the LUMSA University of Rome, Palermo, and "History and Institutions of African Countries" at the LUMSA University - Santa Silvia - Master’s degree in social services.
In 2007 she founded the Fiasconaro Law Firm.
In 2020 Anna Maria founded the FG studio and the #GoOnLab project, with Elisa.

Determined, elegant, original.
Elisa Gullo
She deals with:
Company law
Real Estate
Fashion law
+39 3332990922
+39 091 229227
Via Velasquez, 38 – 90141 Palermo
Lawyer, golden robe, member of the Bar of Palermo since 2001, member of the Bar of Lawyers at the Supreme Court since 2015.
She offers advice and legal assistance, mainly in the field of real estate law, company law and administrative law;
- Legal advice and assistance to public administrations and private companies - judicial and out-of-court - in matters of private law, labour law, administrative law and tax law;
- Advice to Italian and foreign companies opening commercial activities in Italy, including all out-of-court activities for obtaining administrative licences and permits;
- In the field of trusts, a personalized service in the planning and management of national and foreign trusts;
- Advice about investments in Italy and abroad, including Mergers and Acquisitions;
- Expert advice about E.T.S. legislation, dealing with the drafting of statutes and the instruments of incorporation of third sector entities;
- Advice for private companies on privacy issues;
She speaks Italian and English
Elisa graduated in Law from the University of Palermo in 1996, after which she carried out her internship at the Legal Office of the Municipality of Palermo, where she delved into relevant administrative law issues.
In 2002 she founded Studio Legale Gullo, working with a legal expert in criminal and civil affairs until 2010.
Elisa collaborates with several municipalities and various private and public companies, mainly in Sicily, in matters of litigation in civil and administrative law.
She has been providing external legal advice for the company Riscossione Sicilia s.p.a. since 2008, dealing with all judicial litigation in the field of civil law, labour and tax.
She has been a member of the UAE Palermo delegation and rapporteur (2018) of numerous corporate conferences (privacy protection, network of companies).
Since 2018 she has dealt with the legislation of E.T.S., preparing and drafting statutes and articles of association, for non-profit organisations.
Since December 2019 she has been president of the Association Ipazia e le stelle a.p.s., which deals with violence against women.
In 2021 Elisa founded the FG studio and the #GoOnLab project, with Anna Maria.